Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bud Spud and Steak Ticket Design

The task here, was to create a ticket design for the football team fundraising event.  Since the event has to do with our school and football, I used our school color (purple-ish color) in part of the background and an image of a football player.  Also included was a football goal-post, which I used to divide the event information.  This assignment was made in Photoshop.  

KEC Logo Design

This assignment was redesign our original school logo.  The image on the top left is the silhouette of an art piece we have sitting at the front of our school.  I created a vector of it using Illustrator.
The second image, which is on the bottom left is supposed to be of a border reiver.  That is our school mascot.  For this one I used the color purple because is our school color.  It was also made in Illustrator.  

KEC Information Handbook Design

The instructions for this assignment were to create a new cover design for our school information handbook.  First,  I used photoshop to put the images and shapes in place.  I then put it in Indesign to add the font.  The color purple was used because that is our school color.